Sunday, October 6, 2013

Current anime episodes comments - One Piece, Space Brothers, Kuroko's Basketball, Log Horizon, Magi 2, Meganebu!, Gingitsune

One Piece

Episode 615

Caesar is a merciless bastard, that's for sure.
Yet somehow he always manages to get others to believe him.
It was about time Luffy showed up where the action was.
So finally some new info about Caesar's illegal business.

Space Brothers

Episode 76

Interesting episode for a change.
The change of setting was nice.
Wish Hibito would get over his fear soon...
Olga sure had a crush on Hibito and it was LOL

Kuroko's Basketball 2

Episode 1

New season with new challenges ahead.
Will be watching this one!
This season looks promising so far.
New characters and opponents look good.
Guess this season the plot will be more Kagami centered.

Log Horizon

Episode 1

At first glance, everyone will be comparing this to SAO.
That's just a fact.
On the other hand it is similar, but also different at the same time.
As long as they keep the story in the game only, it should be better.
Character animation was a bit nicer in SAO, but backgrounds are really nice here.
Looks like this is gonna be fun to watch ^^
So far I like it since it has a nice balance of fun and serious action.
Will be watching it!

Magi 2

Episode 1

So season 2 is out.
Wonder what kind of adventures we'll get to see this time.
Seems like Aladdin's powers will be more serious this season.
Feels like they skipped the action again and we're in the intermission with the plot.
They should have used the war from the beginning of the episode as the main story.
Will be watching it just to see if this season will be better.


Episode 1

So colorful.....
The megane guys are cute, but the backgrounds are hurting my eyes.
Why did they make the colors so bright?!
Kinda reminds me of Persona 4 with the glasses and bright colors.
The plot is, well, not eventful...
I'm gonna skip this.


Episode 1

Relaxed anime.
Kinda does reminds of Inuyasha.
This anime is kinda sweet.
Not what I usually like to watch, but I think I'll give it a try.

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