Monday, February 4, 2013

Anime Magazines - Animedia Deluxe Vol. 4

My copy of Animedia Deluxe Vol. 4 finally arrived today. It's just awesome! The surprising part is that it was published more than once a year. Up till now it came out only once a year, but this time for some unknown reason it came out in the summer and in December too. It was a nice surprise though. Personally, I think it's awesome because I love the Deluxe edition. 
I was thinking about getting Otomedia, but I never did. I'm curious about its content, but every time I was looking at it, it didn't have the stuff that appealed to me. I'll probably get it one day when it'll have something interesting.
Now lets get back to Deluxe Vol. 4. In addition to an amazing amount of posters from the most popular anime like Sword Art Online, Hyouka, Magi, Ao no Exorcist, Code Geass, Inu x Boku SS.... I also go an awesome B2 size double sided poster featuring Kirito from SAO and ALO on one side and Alibaba from Magi on the other. All in all, a must buy for me!

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