Friday, January 11, 2013

Current anime episodes comments - Psycho-Pass, Zetsuen no Tempest, Robotics;Notes, Kotoura-san, Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun


Episode 12

Interesting episode. I liked this side story.
It was nice to see the prisoner's life from their point of view.
We never got to see where the apprehended ones ended up till now.
Also, the process of making/choosing Enforcers was shown as well.
Yayoi's life turned around in a flash. Going against her friend was hard.
At least she got the necessary motivation to become an Enforcer.

Zetsuen no Tempest

Episode 13

Mahiro's dream was interesting.
Seems like this was just a summary episode.
The second part was very interesting, but also kinda confusing.
Story about the Tree saving the world was kinda surreal.
Wonder how the story's gonna continue..


Episode 12

So far the only interesting thing are those Kimijima Kou reports.
I'm still waiting for things to start moving forward.
Somehow it feels like nothing much is happening.
Probably because it's isn't, at least not so far.
Gun-Pro2 dream is at a standstill so far.
At least Juna and grandpa overcame their issues.


Episode 1

Poor Haruka, what awful parents.
The whole mind reading thing ruined her childhood.
First half was depressing, but then everything changed.
Manabe sure was a clingy friend, but also funny.
I thought this would be stupid and boring, I was wrong.
Will be watching this one!

Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo

Episode 1

Those three make a really good team.
Each one of them has an interesting gift.
Black rabbit girl was pretty LOL
This one looks like some kind of a game.
It's sort of interesting, so I'll give it a few more episodes.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

Episode 1

Enjoying life in the countryside.
Hero and Maou relationship seems to be progressing nicely too.
She was pretty awkward and girl around him when they were alone.
It was nice they took in those two girls.
Pretty relaxing episode.

Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun

Episode 1

Lots of guys, one girl. It's Shoujo!
Which means I'll be watching this one.
The characters looks nice too.
Story itself looks promising as well.
It's nice they're not "only" human.
Maybe, just maybe this will be an action filled shoujo anime.
Let's hope so.

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