Sunday, March 17, 2013

Current anime episodes comments - One Piece, Space Brothers, Hunter x Hunter

One Piece

Episode 587

Law's powers are pretty impressive.
The body switch is a useful thing to use on others.
It brings confusion and makes things difficult for the enemy.
So he was the one who slices people, but they don't die.
Guess it was him who sliced that samurai Nami and the others found.
Unless there's someone else there with the same power.
Law vs Smoker! That was just epic!
So many new and interesting powers to see.
Wow, Law is truly a scary monster.

Space Brothers

Episode 49

This survival training has been rather boring so far.
I know they're just showing us why the need to this part, but it's still not interesting.
They need something or someone to mix things up a bit.
Their team is the worst so far and it's getting harder to endure.
Nitta's attitude wasn't helping the situation at all.
In the end all the problems they encountered improved the quality of this episode.

Hunter x Hunter 

Episode 71

The dodgeball game continues.
Razor is truly a scary strong guy.
Three of them could barely match the power of just one guy.
It's no wonder he's the one guarding the island from outsiders.
Hisoka pulled through for them and made that victory happen.
It was really nice of him to do something like that.
Also, it's out of character for him.
Looks like we'll get a fight over Patch of Shore card soon.

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