Saturday, December 8, 2012

Current anime episodes comments - Fairy Tail, Shinsekai Yori, Bakuman 3, Sukitte Iinayo, Sword Art Online

Fairy Tail

Episode 160

The fights continue...
Jellal vs Neekis.
That sure was an intense fight! Awesome ^^
It was the best fight of today's episode.
Shame they obstructed Jellal from winning.
They're probably saving him for later, but he turned out to be a laughing stock..

Shinsekai Yori

Episode 11

It seems like the others had their memories tampered with.
Seems like Saki is the only one that remembers.
So they planted Ryou instead of Shun.
Now even the others figured it out as well.
The ethics committee paying them a visit is not good.

Bakuman 3

Episode 9

Nanamine sure shocked our fav duo.
At least those two got all fired up about their manga.
Kosugi really has his hands full with Nanamine since he's not listening to him at all.
He's basically cheating.
OMG seems like Nanamine took "Money and Intelligence" manga way too literally and lived his life that way.
Unorthodox standard battle manga by Ashirogi Muto. Can't wait to see that!
I was surprised Nanamine would show Kosugi how he does his manga.
So far he has everyone wrapped around his little finger once way or the other.

Sukitte Ii Na Yo

Episode 10

Kai certainly adapted to school life in a new school rather quickly.
Megumi really likes to stir up trouble for Mei.
She's really hell bent over messing up Yamato-Mei relationship.
Looks like she's jealous of Mei.
On the other hand Kai is slowly putting himself into Mei's life.
So it finally happened.. Kai giving Yamato a piece of his mind.

Sword Art Online

Episode 23

Kirito thinking about his life.
The whole thing with Sugu was an interesting turn of events.
Lots of flashbacks too.
Kirito vs Sugu. That was interesting.
Giving the tower another shot with some reinforcements was nice to watch.
Founding out that he went where no player was meant to go was interesting.

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