Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Current Anime Episodes Comment - Zetman, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san


Episode 1

After watching that Jin kid fight I was WOW!
It was sad watching him cart his dead grandpa around town without realizing what really happened to him. He truly is a naive kid...
Kouga got scolded at the same time, what bad luck losing a "parent" & a friend at the same time.
Akemi really was kind hearted... but trouble just keeps following Jin.
I'm totally watching this one!

Episode 2

So Jin is all grown up now..
Guess Kouga still follows the same hero ideals as he did as a kid.
Konoha's doing what she can to help others too.
Those three together would make an amazing team together.
Jin as Zetman is pretty terrifying.
I kinda feel sorry for Kouga who is still under his family's foot...

Episode 3

Kouga sure trains really hard, but no matter how hard he trains he'll never be on Jin's level.
Jin's ZET form is really nice and awesomely strong even tough it's still incomplete.
While Kouga has it all (but struggles with his hero principles and desires), Jin lost/had to give up everything..
The new info about the monsters and their creators was really interesting.
I have a feeling like Jin just signed the deal with the devil...
Episode 4

So Jin's now officially working for the organization as their ZET.
Kouga's still bothered by the fact he was practically powerless compared to Jin.
Konoha's trying to re-connect with Jin, but he just keeps pushing everyone away because of his mission.
Looks like Jin inherited his Aunties' habit of collecting strays.
He's still charging people for the rescue though LOL
The Sweeper... just who is that guy? Can't wait for next episode!

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

Episode 1

It didn't take Mahiro long to have a crush on his alien guardian LOL
Well, that totally went both way, not unexpected.
Those two got attacked pretty often though.
Poke-ball, Pokemon?? Damn... that brought back some memories ^^"
When that girl kills, it's sure gets really bloody.
Totally LOL episode!!

Episode 2

Pretty funny episode.
I liked the One Piece references ^^
Nyaruko & Kuko yuri moment was LOL
Guess Mahiro really like s to fork Nyaruko ^^"
Episode 3

The chibi dragon was really cute.
Kuuko is in their class now too?! LOL
This love triangle is gonna make me laugh indefinitely ^^
Nyarko sure had lots of problems with the annoying Kuuko.
Was it just me or did the girls pull those weapons from under their skirts?! ROFL
Nyaro is a totally useless guy, no wonder he resents his sister.

Hope these comments of mine to the recent episodes will help you decide if the anime if interesting enough for you to watch.

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