Friday, October 19, 2012

Current anime episodes comments - K, Robotics;Notes, BTOOOM!, Medaka Box Abnormal


Episode 3

Suoh the rebel.
Munakata the knight of justice.
Such cliche roles.
Looks like the situation regarding Suoh is quite serious.
This episode kinda widened the picture/story.
So there are 7 kings and different clans.
Shiro & Kuroh, they'll probably become really close ^^


Episode 2

Working on a small robot for the tournament.
Getting parts for it was a pain.
Doc was a hard nut to crack..
Kai just plays that game all the time.
Wonder how much he'll contribute in the tournament.


Episode 3

Sakamoto finally realizes it's a game.
That guy gave some interesting info.
So it's just some crazy guys bad joke.
Sakamoto was really effected by the new info.
Looks like he's really gonna have to kill 7 people to get off the island.
Taira & Sakamoto team. Don't see that functioning for long.

Medaka Box Abnormal

Episode 2

Hitoyoshi meets the abnormals.
Not a very pleasant introduction...
There are scarier things than Medaka out there.
She seriously needs an upgrade.
Visiting her older brother was a pretty serious thing.
That guy has an incredible sister complex ^^"
Maguro's analyzing skills were just amazing.
OMG, that Flask Plan is to put it mildly... HELL.

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